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Our News

Find your favorite radio on soundcloud. Listen previous live shows and many many more. https://soundcloud.com/melodieswebradio

The time of the draw from Melodies Web Radio and Via Amalia Nafplio.  Thank you for your entries. Dating in our next contest. See the draw here 

The "heart" of Melodies Web Radio.

Every musical journey must have its own soundtrack. If yours is going to happen this Friday (30/11 21:00), we've taken care of the music to be proportional and the lyrics that express your adventure. Makis Zoumpos lives with the most beautiful songs of all time. Immediate listening on our site

The most beautiful, the most magical, the most melodic Christmas, come on Sunday, November 25. Favorite Christmas melodies will make Melodies music for the whole holiday season in specially designed sections. "Xmas Again by Dimitrios Bitzenis" at Melodies Web Radio

France ♥️'s Melodies Web Radio...!Je vous remercie! 
(Statistics for Oct. 2018)Powered by Netcover

The time of the draw from Melodies Web Radio and Via Amalia NafplioThank you for your entries.  Dating in our next contest. 
See the draw here 

"Monastiraki Square"
Who has been eating souvlaki from here ?

The first of the five atmospheric albums titled "Midnight Lounge" is here and you can hear it only at midnight "UNDER THE MOONLIGHT" (Relaxation Music Zone) !!!